If your company is experiencing cash flow issues or carrying a highly leveraged debt to equity ratio, your business may benefit from a properly scaled restructure.
If you have a viable core business an effective rescue of the company may be achieved via the administration process or liquidation with an asset sale back to the directors in accordance with Statements of Insolvency Practice 13 and 16 and if this produces the best outcome for creditors. This should only be undertaken after careful consideration and must be dealt with by a licensed insolvency practitioner.
As the recession continues your business may have expanded too quickly. This may result in increased exposure to the creditors who may take an uber cautious approach and even initiate an insolvency procedure against your business.
The first step is for owner managers or directors to have an open and frank discussion with Hawkins Insolvency and consider all the options, call or email us on info@hawkinsinsolvency.co.uk for a free informal chat.